We are delighted to announce that we are due to commence on site works for the new Aspull Health and Wellbeing Centre and inform you of all the details about the project.
The works will start the week commencing 01.11.2021 on Aspull Surgery Haigh Road, Aspull, Wigan WN2 1XH.
The construction team expects a duration of works of 50 weeks. The construction company will send out an official letter to residents to update them on works timeframes. To Whom it May Concern Letter Aspull
While the building work is taking place, GP and health services will continue as usual. So please get in touch with the Surgery and health services in the same way you do now.
Please also email feedback@onemedicalgroup.co.uk with any questions about the project and refer to the FAQ page constantly updated.
For any construction issue queries, please get in contact with Castlehouse: Mark Reynolds, Project Contract Manager: 07889215618 or Grant Horsley, Site Manager: 07864661672.
Aspull Surgery, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and OneMedical Property have designed an energy-efficient and sustainable Health Centre for the local community to be proud of, offering services that will meet your current and emerging health care needs.
Located in the heart of your community on the redeveloped GP and Clinic site, your fully accessible Aspull Health and Wellbeing Centre will offer:
- Improved parking facilities with disabled parking access
- Bicycle/Motorcycle secure parking
- Community rooms for you to book
- A safe and secure environment with local Police presence
- Attractive external landscaping to include a community orchard