Beacon Medical Centre
One site - multiple health services
Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
The £4.2 million development of an integrated primary care centre was completed over twelve months. The new premises provide the GPs and other health and social service staff with a bespoke, modern and fit for purpose site.
The brief
To design, build and finance a 2,300m2 primary care centre to house:

11 GP practice, serving 15,000 patients

Community nursing teams

Community dentistry and podiatry

Community pharmacy

Social services

Minor surgery

The issues

Restrictive premise no longer fit for purpose

Tender process undertaken to identify developer

Multiple stakeholders

Developing integrated model for health and social care service delivery
Our Partners

Architects: SMC Gower

Project Managers: Spring & Co.

Building Contractor: Lindum Construction

Structural Engineers: Ward Cole